Aricle Published: "Sourcing Data from Wikipedia for the Study of Language Contact: the csbwiki"
2022-12-30 21:27
The latest issue of Academic Journal of Modern Philology (18) was published a few hours ago; in it my article "Sourcing Data from Wikipedia for the Study of Language Contact: the csbwiki". Get the article directly (PDF download) here or the whole issue of Open Access articles here.
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Abstract Accepted for Presentation at "MuLAcq2023"
2022-10-30 13:52
Robert's abstract Entrenchment and Conventionalization in Language Contact Scenarios has been accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Multilingualism and Language Acquisition (MuLAcq2023) to be held at University of Helsinki, March 9–10, 2023. The paper will present results from Robert's ongoing research project New Speakers of Minority Languages: Proficiency, Variation and Change. Here's the abstract:
According to Schmid’s recent Entrenchment-Conventionalization (EC) model (Schmid 2015, 2020), language use is at the epicenter of a set of processes that account for both the dynamicity in an individual’s linguistic competence (E) and shared knowledge of form-meaning associations and patterns …
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Popular Science Article Published: "Meertaligheid op het strand..."
2022-07-29 10:38
Robert's popular science article Meertaligheid op het strand: Wat borden en posters zeggen over taalvitaliteit op Aruba ["Multilingualism on the beach: what signs and posters say about language vitality in Aruba"] has been published on the Stemmen van Afrika website. The article is a focused, Dutch-language version of a blog post about the linguistic landscape on Aruba (here).
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"Beyond Language 2022" contribution
2022-05-31 13:42
Today Robert presented his paper Sourcing Data from Wikipedia for the Study of Language Contact: the csbwiki at the Beyond Language 2022 conference.
The presentation slides can be found here.
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Abstract Accepted for Presentation at "Beyond Language 2022"
2022-05-24 13:18
Robert's abstract submitted to the Beyond Language 2022 conference has been accepted for a presentation. He will discuss his work wrangling text from Kashubian Wikipedia into a workable source for studying linguistic variation and present a small case study based on this data. The abstract:
Sourcing data from Wikipedia for the study of language contact: the csbwiki
In multilingual contexts, the languages involved are often said to exert influence on each other’s grammatical patterns. The results of language contact – contact-induced language changes – are rarely balanced; these affect the respective languages involved at different rates and in different areas …
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DHNB 2022 Contribution
2022-03-17 20:29
Today, the Modular Remote Data-collection Toolkit (MOREDAT) was presented at the Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries conference (DHNB 2022) Digital Humanities in Action. MOREDAT is an open-source template infrastructure for creating web-based, remote data collection websites.
The presentation slides can be found here.
Clone MOREDAT from github:
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Abstract Accepted for Presentation at DHNB Conference
2022-01-31 22:59
An abstract submitted to the Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022) Digital Humanities in Action was accepted for a presentation. Robert will discuss a toolkit developed in his New Speakers of Minority Languages project to collect linguistic data remotely over the web. Here's the abstract:
The COVID-19 pandemic effectively halted data-gathering activities in many disciplines. In linguistics, particularly the area of language documentation, researchers have been unable to conduct fieldwork without risking the health and safety of already vulnerable speech communities. Given that documentation projects generate records of highly endangered languages, the creation of primary-data …
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POLS Research Funding
2020-12-16 23:53
Notice that Robert was awarded funding for the project New Speakers of Minority Languages: proficiency, variation, and change. The research grant is from Polish National Science Centre, "POLS" funding instrument. Dec. nr. DEC-2020/37/K/HS2/02779, 2020 in the amount of €191,077 | PLN839,040 and will be implemented at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences.
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SPCL Summer Meeting in Lisbon
2019-06-05 23:58
I presented a pilot study on language use in the Surinamese Parliament, together with Margot van den Berg (Utrecht University) at the SPCL summer meeting in Lisbon. The title of our talk was Language contact and language choice in parliamentary speech in Suriname. And here is our abstract:
In this paper, we will present preliminary results from a pilot study of language use in the Surinamese Parliament “De Nationale Assemblée” (DNA). As Suriname's main legislative body, the DNA meets frequently (multiple times per week) to conduct its business in public meetings. Public DNA meetings are audio video recorded and published …
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Vetenskap på Kvällen: Minoritetsspråk i Sverige och Världen
2019-05-11 21:19
I gave a talk about my research at the the UPPLADOC Science Evening. We even made it into the national news.
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